
Render Function

3.1 Dynamically Render Tags

template =>编译成Render Function => 返回一个新的虚拟DOM => 生成真实的DOM

  • 真实DOM

`[object HTMLDivElement]`
  • 虚拟DOM

`{tag: 'div',data:{attrs:{},...},children:[]}`
  • h function
h('div',{class: 'foo'},'some text')
h('div',{class: 'foo'},['some text',h('span','bar')])



<example :tags="['h1', 'h2', 'h3']"></example>

which renders the expected output:


You should be using render functions, obviously. The detailed usage can be found in the docs.


<script src="../node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">
    <example :tags="['h1', 'h2', 'h3']"></example>

Vue.component('example', {
 functional: true,
 props: {
   tags: {
     type: Array,
     validator (arr) { return !!arr.length }
 render: (h, context) => {
   const tags = context.props.tags
   return h('div', context.data, tags.map((tag, index) => h(tag, index)))

new Vue({ el: "#app" });

3.2 Dynamically Render Components


  1. Implement a Foo component which simply renders <div>foo</div>, and a Bar component which simply renders <div>bar</div> (using render functions, obviously).

  2. Implement an <example> component which renders the Foo component or the Bar component based on its ok prop. For if ok is true, the final rendered dom should be <div>foo</div>.

  3. Implement a button in the root component that toggles <example> between Foo and Bar by controlling its ok prop.


<script src="../node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">
    <example :ok="ok"></example>
    <button @click="ok = !ok"></button>

    const Foo = {
        functional: true,
        render: h => h("div", "foo")

    const Bar = {
        functional: true,
        render: h => h("div", "bar")

    Vue.component("example", {
        functional: true,
        props: {
            ok: {
                type: Boolean
        render: (h, context) => h(context.props.ok ? Foo : Bar)

    new Vue({
        el: "#app",
        data: {
            ok: true

3.3 Higher Order Component


Implement a withAvatarURL helper which takes an inner component that expects a url prop, and return a higher-order component that accepts a username prop instead. The higher-order component should be responsible for fetching the corresponding avatar url from a mocked API.

Before the API returns, the higher-order component should be passing a placeholder URL http://via.placeholder.com/200x200 to the inner component.

The exercise provides a base Avatar component. The usage should look like this:

const SmartAvatar = withAvatarURL(Avatar)

So instead of:

<avatar url="/path/to/image.png"></avatar>

You can now do:

<smart-avatar username="vuejs"></smart-avatar>


<script src="../node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>

<div id="app">
    <smart-avatar username="vuejs"></smart-avatar>

    // mock API
    function fetchURL(username, cb) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            // hard coded, bonus: exercise: make it fetch from gravatar!
        }, 500);

    const Avatar = {
        props: ["src"],
        template: `<img :src="src">`

    function withAvatarURL(InnerComponent) {
        return {
            props: { username: String },
            data() {
                return {
                    url: "http://via.placeholder.com/200x200"
            created() {
                fetchURL(this.username, url => {
                    this.url = url;
            render(h) {
                return h(InnerComponent, { props: { src: this.url } });

    const SmartAvatar = withAvatarURL(Avatar);

    new Vue({
        el: "#app",
        components: { SmartAvatar }

文章作者: 沐雪
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 沐雪 !
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